Animatic | Siccoterra | 2022-23
The original storyboard/ animatic I created for my short film Siccoterra
This is the second of two storyboard made and the one the film was created after. This storyboard is the result of a rework that involved both rewriting and further development of the films world building
Storyboard | The Bell Tree | 2021
The original storyboard I created for the short collaborative film The Bell Tree.
Click through the storyboard using the left and right arrows!
Storyboard | Reminisce | 2021
Sketchy conceptual storyboard for a yet unmade short film.
Reminisce is about an elderly artist that creates a flipbook filled with happy memories of growing up. In a twist, after drawing several scenes he stops and takes out a photo of himself and his grandson, getting very emotional. The man the visits his grandsons grave leaving behind the flipbook.
Click through the storyboard using the left and right arrows!
Storyboard | Dizzying World | 2021
The original storyboard I created for my short film Dizzying World.
Created traditionally with pencil on paper
Click through the storyboard using the left and right arrows!
Storyboard | Southern Mama | 2020
The original storyboard I created for my short film Southern Mama
This film follows southern mama as she watches out her kitchen window to see her klutzy son ride his bicycle.
Click through the storyboard using the left and right arrows!